General Information about Deeper Learning and School Innovation
Articles on a wide variety of topics in education.
The GettingSmart website is a wealth of information about a wide variety topics such as competency based learning, artificial intelligence, blended learning, project-based learning, equity and access, social-emotional learning...check it out!
An organization that partners with schools in the U.S. and around the globe to implement deeper learning experiences in schools.
Helping schools to see the importance of skills that empower students for their futures such as collaboration, critical thinking, and increasing student voice and choice, and providing strategies for educators to make a move toward deeper learning.
Formerly called iNACOL, now The Aurora Institute, this organization promotes and supports personalized, learner-centered education. It has many resources available on its site about competency-based education as well.
Committed to student excellence, with a vision to increase student engagement and achievement, EL Education (formerly Expeditionary Learning) has a variety of resources on their website, including a free, downloadable, language arts curriculum for students in grades K-8.
A website dedicated to transforming education.
This site has several articles that are relevant to education. They also have a weekly podcast you can subscribe to.
Project-based Learning Resources
A website dedicated to project-based learning. You can create a free account at my.pblworks.org to gain access to a wealth of free resources, include project planners, rubrics, and lesson ideas.
A link to the high quality project-based learning framework.
Early childhood educators, this one's for you--a site dedicated to PBL in early childhood.
GettingSmart's PBL resources.
Defined STEM's articles and resources on PBL.
Learn more about High Tech High's project-based learning approach (K-12) and see projects their students have completed.
A blog speaking to many issues around project-based learning.
A collection of apps for project-based learning.
Edutopia's page with great information about project-based learning.
imagineif is dedicated to re-imagining education, and to bringing more personalized, student-centered practices to schools.
Here in New Hampshire
A site dedicated to learner-centered education in New Hampshire. They provide professional development and support to schools wanting to implement personalized learning. They have resources on their site to promote and support competency-based education and personalized learning.
Reaching Higher NH supports public education in NH by reporting on and providing analyses of educational news, policy, and legislation that impacts the Granite State. They are also committed to supporting and promoting learner-centered policies that strengthen education in NH. They support initiatives such as project-based learning, 21st century skills, reducing high-stakes testing, and others.
You can download a document about the evolution of competency-based education in NH.
See how the Sanborn school district made the shift to competency-based education.
A research memo by the Stanford Center for Opportunity Policy in Education (SCOPE) about NHLI's work with educators to increase opportunities for students to co-design their learning.
Schools that are Innovating around the U.S.
GettingSmart has highlighted 70 elementary and middle schools around the country with innovative practices.
General sites about rethinking high school: https://schoolretool.org/ and https://xqsuperschool.org/
Professional Learning and Resources for Classroom Use
Resources for performance tasks and assessments. The assessments are for grades 6-12, but there are performance tasks for younger students.
Explore this site to take courses and earn microcredentials in topics like performance based assessment, technology and the 4Cs, personalized learning, and other deeper learning topics.
Committed to student excellence, with a vision to increase student engagement and achievement, EL Education (formerly Expeditionary Learning) has a variety of resources on their website, including a free, downloadable, language arts curriculum for students in grades K-8, and "PD Packs" which summarize their books and provide accompanying learning materials.